I have posted quite a few pictures lately, rather than writing. The excitement of living in a new place wore off after the first 2 and a half months and I didn't have much else to say that I felt was clever or worth reading. I also got more involved in actually having a life in my new environment and didn't have time to come home after work and dedicate to posting something someone would actually want to read. (I realize I'm making assumptions about you actually wanting to read this now, but just go with it).
Recently, however I have made more of an effort. A bit of writing, a few more photos. I do love taking pictures. There is something so intimate and special about capturing a moment in someone's life or in yours, and a gift to have that memory in such a permanent beautiful form. It's an honor for me, and I am humbled throughout the process.
I've been feeling humbled a lot by Timor lately.
It has been over 9 months since I first arrived and I have been reflecting on my life here and about my life in general. Where do I want to go next (anywhere), should I be planning more for the future (I am not getting any younger, but whatever), should I "get serious" and "settle down" (yuck), etc. This time last year I was in the process of making a big career change from the private-sector back to development work. I was considering moving anywhere in the world (obviously) and my options were endless. The excitement of having limitless options is still thrilling and I don't think I will ever get over that rush, or feeling of ultimate freedom and independence that comes with it. I had just applied to a girls education program in rural Afghanistan and thought for sure I would end up there. Suddenly the opportunity in East Timor came up and to fruition so quickly and easily there was no way I could say no. Stars were aligned.
I have fallen in love with a new place and all its quirks and idiosyncrasies, and made it my home. I have made tremendous, intelligent, interesting friends and developed a bit more patience (not too much mind you, don't get crazy), and learned so much about life in such a different way that it is hard to explain. Each moment at work or each interaction with someone I care about adds a new dimension to my life. I am grateful for those moments and do not take them for granted.
On this beautiful, humid, starry night I reflect on the small steps I made a year ago that have led me to be here in this beautiful place, today. It has been quite an amazing journey and I am ready for tomorrow.
The first step, my son, which one makes in the world, is the one on which
depends the rest of our days.
- Voltaire