I'm not sure how much you people realize how major this is.
Life Changing.
I've never been so thrilled to see such a pathetic, beaten display of international "we ship with care" delivery. But my life is in here- my towels, sheets, clothes, SPICES (I am freaking out I have TRUFFLE OIL- in TIMOR), tennis racket, yoga mat, hiking boots, Nalgene bottle. I have been sleeping on a single borrowed sheet for the last month.
I have died and fallen in love with my stuff all over again. I never thought I was attached to things as much I am but the sense of pure joy when opening my boxes was pure bliss. And you know what- I don't feel guilty at all.
Regardless of what the outside looks like, the contents arrived 100% in tact. Thanks FedEx!
My mom sent me a package (thank you, thank you mom!) and it had hand sanitizer, GUM, magazines! (we don't have those in these parts) and some drink mixes (also not something they have here). Truly the best possible day I've ever had. In my life.
AND I finished a MAJOR milestone in my work today- the interviews for my training needs assessment!
So all in all- wow. Majorly awesome day. And its all because of these dirty beat up boxes and may amazing ability to get things done. ha!
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