
bird of paradise?

I was sitting in my office at the Ministry this morning when my colleague brought in a bird that had fallen outside.  He was nonchalantly chatting holding it in his hand, stroking its (probably) broken neck. People were passing it around and then the proceeded to put it in a plastic bag and let it sit on a desk (right next to the giant copier which was going full on) in the bag for a while.  You know- while they finished their chat.

So this bird is freaking out because it's in a bag inside a building with a lot of chatty people and it's probably got some sort of bird concussion anyway.  And then the guy leaves work to take the bird-in-bag to his house to set it free (was it not free outside the Ministry?) which will likely take an hour or 5.

My morning was more interesting than yours, I bet.

1 comment:

  1. Everytime you say you work at the Ministry, I have to think the Ministry of Magic;)
